A CORDAP funded project that is being implemented with the following partners: Professor Peter Harrison of Southern Cross University; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; University of Queensland; Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS); Queensland University of Technology, Maldives Coral Institute; Maldives Marine Research Institute; Rathafandhoo Council, South Huvadhu atoll.

The project builds on the work of Professor Peter Harrison of Southern Cross University, who has developed a system which can improve larval production efficiencies by 40%. This system will be applied in the Maldives with the ultimate aim of dramatically increasing the scale and speed at which coral reefs can be restored.

First, coral eggs and sperm are captured in fine mesh nets, with gametes then strategically crossed to generate hundreds of millions of robust, genetically diverse larvae that can be grown on natural limestone tiles and transported to degraded reefs, where they will grow into adult corals.

Partners in the Maldives will be trained to use AI-imaging, satellite imaging and a remote controlled submersible robot boat to map reefs for bleaching responses and genetic diversity. This new floating robot can monitor significant changes in study sites and deliver larvae to their new homes.


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